Valve Selection 101: Stainless Steel Or Brass?
Posted on: 24 June 2020
When it comes to choosing the right valves for any industrial setting, it's important that you know exactly what you need. Sometimes, the different choices can be dizzying, and you may not really know which one is the best fit for your situation. If you're trying to decide between using stainless steel valves or brass valves in your latest application, it helps to understand the clear differences between the two. Here's a look at a few things that you should know.
Cost Comparison
When compared to a PVC valve, brass and stainless steel valves are both more costly. However, that increased cost is paired with increased durability and strength. Since both the stainless steel and brass valve units are metal alloys, they are physically stronger than a PVC plastic valve. It is important to note, however, that brass is a softer metal than stainless steel.
Temperature And Corrosion Resistance
Brass alloys usually contain copper and zinc, which helps them hold up to heat and corrosion. Since brass can absorb a significant amount of heat, it's often the valve of choice for residential plumbing applications.
However, stainless steel is composed of iron with nickel and chromium. This makes for a strong, highly durable valve that's tolerant of a wide variety of temperatures and resistant to leaks and corrosion. In addition, the strength of stainless steel allows it to be used in more high-pressure environments than brass could tolerate.
Lead Exposure
Many brass alloys contain a small amount of lead in the mixture. While it's usually less than a couple percent, they still pose a lead exposure risk. Unless you can get brass valves that have been certified as lead-free, you shouldn't use them anywhere where lead exposure could be a possibility. Since lead is a serious health hazard, this is an important consideration when you're choosing your valve makeup.
With stainless steel valves, there's no threat of lead exposure because stainless steel alloys don't contain lead. You won't have to worry about the potential for lead contamination or exposure when you're using stainless steel valves.
Welding Considerations
It's important to note that, if there's any welding necessary where the valves will be used, brass is a better choice. Brass accepts a weld far better than stainless steel, ensuring that the weld will stay secure and you won't have nearly as much risk of failure.
Look for stainless steel valves for sale near you today for more information and to find the valves that you need.